Entries by Cathy Schrader

What is a Reserve Study?

What is a Reserve Study? A Reserve Study, or a Reserve Fund Study, is a long term capital budgeting tool used by homeowner associations to budget for capital reserve expenses. The main purpose of a Reserve Study is to access the association’s financial standing and encourage it to budget wisely. When a Reserve Study’s recommendations are […]

Frequently Asked Questions About the DIY Reserve Study Kit

Though we here at Association Reserves, Inc. introduced the concept of the DIY Reserve Study several years ago, DIYReserveStudy.com launched this year and is just now finally popularizing this low-cost, effective Reserve Study solution. Since launching, we have received a significant number of inquiries about the DIY Reserve Study Kit. Today, I want to address […]

Do-It-Yourself Reserve Study Promo Video

DIYReserveStudy.com launched this past Wednesday and is off to a promising start! For more information, please watch the above promotional video that we shot for the new website just last week! A transcript to the video has been provided below. In it, the founder of Association Reserves, Inc. Robert Nordlund, PE, RS, proudly announces the […]

Welcome to DIYReserveStudy.com

Are you tired of being in the dark about the strength of your association’s Reserve Fund? Try answering the following questions: What common area repairs are we responsible for? When will these projects need to happen? How much can we expect to spend? Are our current reserves on pace? How can we be financially prepared? […]